Schlagwort-Archive: Austria

How to deal with Putin’s Agents among us

It is very common today that people accuse each other of being Putin’s agents or at least useful idiots. In general this is seldom based on an in-depths analysis with a wide range of details forming a complex picture. Usually the level of already successful subversion which dominates the discourse is underestimated or folks are not aware something like that exists. It is indeed eye-opening to listen today to the dire warnings of KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov who described the dangers of ideological subversion in the 1980’s. We see the results with wokeism and cancel culture which distract us as indivuals and as citizens of a nation. Bezmenov recommended to watch what happens at universities and forget about the Hollywood nonsense of James Bond movies. Armchair agents in mainstream media use to do the exact opposite and boast about it with clichees when a story about a female GRU agent in Naples is published.

Bell¿ngcat did excellent research and the article on Maria Adela Kuhfeldt Rivera (a false identity) really is worth reading. She posed as a jeweller (though pieces she offered seemed to come from China) to get access to society and hopefully meet NATO officers stationed in Naples. What „Der Spiegel“ promises with a big team in a cover story on „Putin’s saboteurs – How Putin’s agents undermine Germany“ becomes partly true as Adela was somebody’s agent next door („How good do you know your neighbour?“ a newsletter asks). It stimulates a vague feeling of danger and at the same time draws a line between possible agents and our everyday life. What is a remarkable piece of investigation by Bell¿ingcat shows how a certain kind of agents operate. It is not the overall picture from our perspective but it is a vital contribution to it. We need counterintelligence based on the degree of penetration of our countries by Russian intelligence – and this is about high-ranking politicians, military, economy, media, administration, intelligence services, NGOs etc. You’d bet „Der Spiegel“ and those journalists who admire their colleagues would not connect all the dots but continue to force the covert Russian agenda.

„Der Spiegel“ and Russian agents

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Donald Trump And The Shadow State

Theodore Roosevelt once said that behind the official government an unvisible one is pulling the strings. We now use the term „deep state“ which comes from the Turkish system where shadow governments have a long tradition. The failed coup against Prime Minister Erdogan in July showed what „deep state“ can be capable of – in this case also a vital sign from „Gladio B„, the new name under which NATO’s secret armies continue to exist as FBI-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds puts it.

Whether the Trump Presidency will really make important changes depends on its capability of handling the „deep state“. „America’s next president will inherit more than a bitterly divided nation teetering on the brink of financial catastrophe when he or she assumes office. He will also inherit a shadow government, one that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country“, wrote John W. Whitehead, Autor of Battlefield America: The War on the American People.

He explained: „The first shadow government, referred to as COG or continuity of government, is made up of unelected individuals who have been appointed to run the government in the event of a ‚catastrophe.‘  The second shadow government, referred to as the Deep State, is comprised of unelected government bureaucrats, corporations, contractors, paper-pushers, and button-pushers who are actually calling the shots behind the scenes right now.“ A historical example for COC or shadow government is Operation Valkyrie, a conspiracy against Adolf Hitler where an existing COC plan was used to covertly plan Hitlers assassination and the takeover of Germany.

sorosclintonAlexander Soros and Hillary Clinton (Instagram) Donald Trump And The Shadow State weiterlesen

Why Donald Trump Is In Danger

The beaten establishment fights on both sides of the Atlantic against President-elected Donald Trump: there are demonstrations in the US funded by George Soros and petitions on Soros-supported platforms everybody could sign adressing f.e. the Electoral College. The media – better called the war propaganda machine – play a key role in the U.S. as well as in Europa, and so do social media. When you are familiar with crowds chanting „no border – no nation“ in Europe (which really means give the state up) wearing the rainbow flag and communist symbols videos and pictures from the U.S. seem like a flash back.

And when critical interviewers try to ask these people why they hate trump the same strange collection of phrases comes as reply as we know when folks are against government and for „refugees“ (illegal immigrants) „welcome“. Very often each kind of political fact-based discussion is denied, either in the streets, at debate meetings, press conferences or in the net. Together with the function of media as part of a war machine it seams clear that a generation of political analphabets falsely claim to be political thinkers and relies completely on the filter bubble it lives in. From the world’s perspective a few days of Donald Trump as President-elected have done more for peace than eight years of Obama presidency. Trump and Putin can and will cooperate on a fair and equal base as  both are clever strategists (see this German analysis).

Trump is framed by the propaganda machine (the „echo chamber“ as John Pilger puts it) like Vladimir Putin or the Hungarian President Viktor Orban, who was the first European leader to congratulate him. There is always a set of negative habits and features to draw an image which should distract the audiences‘ attention from hard facts: lunatic, arrogant, narcistic, crazy, unreasonable, unexperienced, unfit to serve – and of course homophob, racist, misogynist, right wing populist. When it comes down to political positions it turns out Trump has more „leftist“ offers for the working class (as Mr. Orbans party Fidesz as a Hungarian MP told me recently). When portrayed as dark as possible, the inhibition level is dramatically sinking to wish someone you don’t know personally the worst possible – which explains all these death threats to Trump.


Women are mobilized ageinst Trump

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