Schlagwort-Archive: Collusion

What Obamagate means to the world

Mainstream media bash President Donald Trump because he tweets about Obamagate and retweets QAnon followers. This should divert attention from the question what Obamagate is about and if there might be reason to exonerate General Michael Flynn. In reality the whole Russiagate narrative turns into the opposite revealing other collusion with ties to European ties to Russia. After the election campaign 2016 the meme was created „they never thought she could lose“ meaning Hillary Clinton. Then came the „revenge“ of a „shadow president“ Barack Obama who followed Trump’s travels abroad and his political themes. An astroturf „movement“ against Trump was created with money from George Soros and others and the „Women’s March against Washington“ (in many cities in the world), „Muslim Ban protests“ and of course demonstrations on inauguration day itself and afterwards. In autumn 2017 the first cryptic post appeared on message boards, signed with Q. As Q stayed anonymous, users began to call „him“ QAnon and started to research what could be the deeper meaning of „his“ messages.

It took not much time until the growing Q community was labelled conspiracy theorists which is now an „argument“ against them in many countries. Some indeed believe things Q never „said“ but they had to find their own way through a jungle of disinformation in mainstream media; they must learn to put puzzle pieces together. At the moment media try to frame Attorney General Bill Barr by cutting an answer he gave in an interview. He said that history is written by the winner  – to help Trump against Obama? – but added that he had to follow the rule of law. Some users speak of a „Clinton Body Count“ with f.e. Seth Rich who worked for the DNC and was killed in 2016; he gave emails to Wikileaks so there was no Russian „DNC hack“ as a source for this leak. Russians – the GRU, the military intelligence – are hacking but they were not responsible for DNC emails at Wikileaks. When the new Austrian government was formed in January the server of the foreign ministry was hacked and the attack lasted for many days.

When Donald Trump tweets … 


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